2010年1月15日 星期五

It makes me feel so sad

鳴謝圖由galileo 提供。

3 則留言:

hystericireul - 鄧景 提到...

Honestly I don't feel sad.

At the time of Protecting Queen's Pier, who could imagine, could foresee that few years later, so many youngsters come out to loudly voice out their thoughts?

The history is changing, we can change it. At the end we may lose, but at least we are not alone.

Unknown 提到...

我都有感覺自己第時可能會係第二度生活. (有冇咁既能力就係題外話)

我有d明白陳韻文講過自己唔能夠同香港共同進退, 原來係咁既一回事.

瑪嘉烈 提到...


tse: 我其實好清楚自己離開唔到香港,撇開能力,係個心唔捨得,因為我深深覺得我嘅根響香港,所以我好明菜園村d 人點解要不遷不拆。