2009年6月20日 星期六

瞬間看地球︰6 Billion Others

等到時間到,就轉去明珠台,看整個時段家裡那麼多電視台中已是最好看的《全美一叮》。叮完後發現明珠台有一個長約10 分鐘的節目,叫6 Billion Others。這節目找了世上不同國籍的人,包括伊朗人、耶路撒冷人、日本人、美國人、保加利亞人等等,給他們一個題目,如Tears、Memories、Freedom 等等,讓他們自由發揮的談一談,每人只說1-2分鐘。節目很好看,因為你可以從那十分鐘裡,從不同的人所說的經歷及想法,看到不同的文化及其社會狀況,甚至可以看看全世界的人,如何看待一些普世價值。如吉普賽人的自由,是不被人騷擾,沒有人因為他們的種族血統而辱罵他們。日本人則認為自由等於退休,從此不用再承受職場及階級壓力。

然後上網看看,發現這節目是一個名叫A Good Planet 的NGO所製作的一個project,想再了解多些,可惜英文版網址失效,法文我又不懂,上維基亦沒有相關資料。


7 則留言:

浪子m: 提到...


瑪嘉烈 提到...


Agnes Tse 提到...


至於其他觀眾,抱著"電視做乜我就睇乜"既心態, 無所謂下去.

瑪嘉烈 提到...


菲比 提到...

你好呀 :)
我也有留意到 6 Billion Others 哩, 一看就被吸引了, 我也正在上網找有關這個 project 的資料.
放眼看世界, 會領略更多.

瑪嘉烈 提到...


匿名 提到...

收到朋友傳來一輯Yann Arthus-Bertrand的攝影作品,很喜歡。
事實上,在香港電視上,不時會有機會看到Yann Arthus-Bertrand的作品"6 billion others",於我而言,是一個不可多得的節目,雖然每一段都很短,但感受很深 ...,下面是一些有關"6 billion others"的介紹,與你分享。

... 5,000 interviews were filmed in 75 countries by 6 directors who went in search of the Others.
From a Brazilian fisherman to a Chinese shopkeeper, from a German performer to an Afghan farmer, all answered the same questions about their fears, dreams, ordeals, hopes ...

有關 6 billion others, Yann Arthus-Bertrand這樣說:
Everything began with a helicopter breakdown in Mali.
While I was waiting for the pilot, I spent a whole day talking with one of the villagers. He spoke to me about his daily life, his hopes and fears: his sole ambition was to feed his children.
I suddenly found myself plunged into the most elemental of concerns. He looked me straight in the eyes, uncomplaining, asking for nothing, expressing no resentment or ill will.
Later, I dreamt of understanding their words, of feeling what linked us. Because, from up there, the Earth looks like an immense area to be shared. But as soon as I landed, problems emerged ...

至於 6 billion others 攝製的背後 ...
• A common questionnaire, to begin with. Forty or so questions, revised during the first interviews, begin with the things that affect the lives of all of us: family, love, happiness. But also the things that divide us: war, certain values or beliefs.
• Next, a common framework: each face is filmed in an identical manner: centred, vertical full frontal shots.
• A common approach: The equipment chosen is also relevant to our desire for intimacy. A light camera, a stand, two wired microphones: each reporter can manage the sound, image and conducting of the interview on his own. When filming, he tries to make the meeting as intimate and personal as possible, bringing out its unique character.
