2009年10月23日 星期五





4 則留言:

Kathy 提到...


Do you really think so? I gave up this naive belief years ago after seeing Bush and Chen's examples

瑪嘉烈 提到...

因為有普選,Obama 先可以上台。因為有普選,馬英九先可以上台。

你呢d idea 就係俾保皇黨同埋大陸用嚟唔俾香港有普選的藉口!你響美國有民主當然講得口響,身在福中不知福,不如你番香港捱先算啦!如果台灣冇民主冇法制,你估阿扁仲可以坐監咩?換轉大陸,告都冇得告,一早落嚟香港美國日本洗黑錢,兼遠走加拿大嘆世界喇!


Kathy 提到...

calm down~~ I am not being offensive. I am not saying HK shouldn't have democracy / election. I am just simply saying it is not easy to fire the president (or HK governor in this case). In the sentence I quoted, you were saying 趕下台, not saying vote for who 上台. I am just responding to this particular sentence. It's easy to vote for someone to be president, but it's very hard if not impossible to fire the president. This single thought has nothing to do with opposing you or other HK ppl to fight for election. I am just trying to advise you not to put your hope too high. B/c I've been hoping for 趕Bush and Chen下台 for 8 yrs but never got my wish come true, so when I saw your sentence, I simply感觸地回一句. You don't have to overreact.

And there's no 身在福中不知福. Every country, everyone has their own problem. Just like you said I am living in USA, so I know from my personal experience the stuff & problems ppl from other country may not know/understand/feel. In fact, many of my friends and family moved back to HK after living in USA for years. My brother's Taiwan gf lived in Taiwan, USA and HK and eventually chose to stay in HK thinking HK is the best place to live....everything has 2 sides. If I got fired and couldn't find a job here someday, I would move back to HK, too.

瑪嘉烈 提到...

老實講,如果07/08 已有universal suffrage,仲要係雙普選嗰隻,Legco 要彈劾曾老狗肯定易過而家好多!慳電膽單嘢,一開始保皇黨仲響度撐曾狗冇利益輸送,如果係單議席單票制,cancel 埋功能組別,保皇黨只不過係legco minority,但因為我哋只得假民主,扭曲的制度令到保皇黨係majority,而泛民拎到最多票都好,都係minority。因為咁,結果政府有好多動議,就算民意唔太buy 都好,響保皇護航之下都成功pass 咗!

以你所言,如果有真民主要趕狗落台都唔易,咁何況冇民主的地方?要明白,有民主人民先可以有say!唔能夠話因為美國出咗個bush,台灣出咗個阿扁,德國出咗個希特拉,泰國出咗個他信,就否定民主的價值。就算有普選後選了一條仆街出嚟,起碼我哋用咗公平公正公開的rules 選出嚟,至少有個機制。冇民主,人民唔妥佢,佢又話之我哋(因因為我哋唔係冇票響手)可以點?唔通真係下下迫到d 人上街示威,甚至變成暴力事件發生,先會落台?就算演變到呢個地步,到時佢都唔會落台,只會話上街的人搗亂。

美國、台灣出過2 條仆街出嚟都好,點都好過而家香港,選又冇我份,屎就有我食,點解香港響呢方面仲要咁落後?!