2010年7月29日 星期四

Critics of Inception

《壹周刊》今天才到手,終於可以仔細地讀方俊傑究竟寫了什麼。我同意他尾段所說,的確Leonardo 於《潛行凶間》的角色令人想起Shutter Island,以及中文譯名衰得不能再衰。另,他於「壹周搜影」再寫︰創意、深度、手法、娛樂性,堪稱完美。

因為方生是破天荒打100 分,所以把文post 出來好了。(click 圖可放大,清楚到你唔信。)

Inception 是否全球一致激讚呢?又不是喎,昨晚於wiki 讀到,部份影評人根本就不欣賞這電影︰

New York magazine's David Edelstein wrote, "I truly have no idea what so many people are raving about. It’s as if someone went into their heads while they were sleeping and planted the idea that Inception is a visionary masterpiece and—hold on ... Whoa! I think I get it. The movie is a metaphor for the power of delusional hype—a metaphor for itself".

In his review for The New York Observer, Rex Reed wrote, "It's pretty much what we've come to expect from summer movies in general and Christopher Nolan movies in particular ... [it] doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment to me".

In A.O. Scott's review for The New York Times, he wrote, "But though there is a lot to see in Inception, there is nothing that counts as genuine vision. Mr. Nolan’s idea of the mind is too literal, too logical, too rule-bound to allow the full measure of madness".


In his review for the New York Press, Armond White wrote, "there’s a simple-minded sappiness at the heart of this cynical vision. If anything, the time and consciousness tricks stolen from The Matrix make Nolan a bastard Wachowski brother, not a son of Kubrick. Despite its big budget ... Inception is full of second-rate aesthetics, yet when shoddy aesthetics become the new standard, it’s sufficient to up-end the art of cinema".

Well, are you sure?

好啦,今天正式上正場,究竟大家如何解讀Inception 呢?外國forum 都是舖天蓋地地討論結局,以及當中的「尖尖尖尖」的concept 是如何運作(如果不是因為未上正場,我老早就劇透了)。大家快些去看囉。

Inception 觀後感
Movie Chic,Movie Style﹕最複雜的2億美元科幻片
關於Inception 的二三事。

4 則留言:

shtmanhk 提到...

如各位對 inception 有不明白的地方,以下解答了一切 (警告:嚴重劇透):


shtmanhk 提到...



Adam 提到...

New York Press 影評人 Armond White 的 taste 相當獨到,亦是最具爭議性的傳媒影評人之一。今年口碑較佳的 Inception, Toy Story 3 他均給出劣評,卻大讚 Clash of the Titans, Jonah Hex,可以說是逆風而行的勇者。

abjj 提到...

my review:


是商業大片, 是不夠餘韻, 但也不全然是pointless的